Want to know more?

More detailed information on the construction of GeoTOP, classifications used, accuracy, uncertainties and the implications of all this its’ applications can be found in:

Story Map: introducing GeoTOP Noord-Brabant and Noord- en Midden-Limburg (North Brabant and North and Central Limburg)
The Story Map includes interactive 3D visualisations of the model and numerous examples of applications.

Flyer GeoTOP (PDF, 5,81 MB) (2015)
Short note on the construction, accuracy and uncertainties of GeoTOP, and the model itself.

Productspecification GeoTOP (PDF, 2,13 MB) (Stafleu and Dubelaar 2016)
Summary report providing information for the user on how GeoTOP can be used.

TNO rapport GeoTOP modellering (PDF, 15 MB) (Stafleu et al. 2012) (Dutch only)
Detailed report on the construction, accuracy and uncertainties of GeoTOP, and on how GeoTOP can be used.

Peer-reviewed paper: 3D subsurface modelling of Zeeland (PDF, 2,17 MB) (Stafleu et al. 2011)
Paper on the construction, accuracy and uncertainties of GeoTOP (Zeeland area), and on how it can be used.

Modelling method GeoTOP Oostelijke Waddden and issues GeoTOP (PDF, 2,67 MB) (2016) (Dutch only)
Note on the modelling method of model area Oost Wad and issues related to GeoTOP.

Overview geological units in GeoTOP (PDF, 36 KB) (Dutch only).

Lithostratigraphical units per model area (PDF, 705 KB) (2023) (Dutch only)

Uncertainties GeoTOP (PDF, 1,3 MB) (2014) (Dutch only)
Note on implications and visualisation of uncertainties in GeoTOP.

Note on the calculation of the most probable lithological class in GeoTOP (PDF, 0,5 MB) (2014) (Dutch only)

Description of the lithostratigraphical units in the subsurface of the Netherlands.

GeoTOP and NetCDF
This instruction describes how a part of GeoTOP can be downloaded as a NetCDF-file. It also describes how to open the file as a voxel layer in Esri’s ArcGIS Pro (version 2.6.0 and higher).

Totstandkomingsrapport GeoTOP (PDF - 9.9MB) (2019)
Detailed description of the methods and workflows used to construct GeoTOP. This report mainly focuses on the regions Westelijke Wadden and Oostelijke Wadden, but is also applicable to Zuid-Holland, Rivierengebied and Noord-Holland.

Totstandkomingsrapport GeoTOP - met nieuwe methodiek lagenmodellering (PDF - 8.9MB) (2020)
Detailed description of the methods and workflows used to construct GeoTOP. This report mainly focuses on the regions Noord-Brabant and Noord- and Midden-Limburg. With this region, a new method for the construction of the layer-based model underpinning the GeoTOP voxel model was introduced.

Totstandkomingsrapport Kleine release GeoTOP Zuid-Holland (PDF - 1.6MB) (2022)  
This report accompanies a minor update of Zuid-Holland in which the ‘most likely lithological class’ was recalculated. In addition, an error in the model calculations within the Basal Peat Bed was corrected for. 

Conceptueel model GeoTOP Zeeland and Goeree-Overflakkee (PDF 1.8MB) (2021)
This conceptual model gives an overview of the stratigraphical units and their relationships as modelled in the region Zeeland and Goeree-Overflakkee.

Totstandkomingsrapport GeoTOP – aanvullingen bij versie v1.5 (PDF - 0.8MB) (2022)
This report describes the replacement of the Zeeland and Goeree-Overflakkee regions with an entirely new combined region 'Zeeland and Goeree-Overflakkee'. The new model benefits from the new method for the construction of the layer-based model first applied in Noord-Brabant and Noord- and Midden-Limburg. In addition, the lithological class (soil type) in the voxel model was modelled using a new, improved method.

Totstandkomingsrapport GeoTOP – aanvullingen bij versie v1.6 (PDF – 1.1MB) (2023)
This report describes the expansion of GeoTOP with the Almere model area, which includes the southwestern Flevopolder and parts of the surrounding waters. Because Almere has a partial overlap with Noord-Holland and Rivierengebied, GeoTOP v1.6 also concerns a partial update of those two model areas: the parts that overlap with Almere have been removed from Noord-Holland and Rivierengebied. This means that Noord-Holland and Rivierengebied have become smaller.

Kwaliteitstoetsingsdocument Ondergrondmodellen BRO Ondergrondmodellen Algemeen (PDF – 1.2MB) (2019) 

Kwaliteitstoetsingsdocument Ondergrondmodellen GeoTOP Westelijke Wadden v1.0 (PDF – 1.2MB) (2019) 

Kwaliteitstoetsingsdocument Ondergrondmodellen GeoTOP Oostelijke Wadden v1.0 (PDF – 0.3MB) (2019) 

Kwaliteitstoetsingsdocument Ondergrondmodellen BRO GeoTOP Brabant en Limburg v1.0 (PDF – 0.4MB) (2020) 

Kwaliteitstoetsingsdocument Ondergrondmodellen BRO GeoTOP Kleine Release GeoTOP Zuid-Holland (PDF – 2.2MB) (2022) 

Kwaliteitstoetsingsdocument Ondergrondmodellen BRO GeoTOP Zeeland en Goeree-Overflakkee (PDF – 0.5MB) (2023)

Kwaliteitstoetsingsdocument Ondergrondmodellen BRO GeoTOP Almere (PDF – 0.5MB) (2023)

Geological maps derived from GeoTOP

GeoTOP is used as a starting point to develop specific geological maps, focused on a typical user group. Examples given are a map of the surface geology, maps showing the cumulative thickness of sand, a map showing the top of the Pleistocene and a map showing the lithological characteristics of the upper 8 meters summarised in 5 distinct classes. These maps can currently only be found on the Grondwatertools.nl website.