Mineral Information System

The Mineral Information System (DIS) was developed by Deltares and TNO on the initiative of Rijkswaterstaat. DIS is a model that provides insight into at what depths sand can be found, whether there are peat and clay layers in the soil and how much silt is present in the sand. DIS also gives an indication of where coarse sand lies and where fine grained sand can be found. DIS is a policy and decision-supporting regional model, enabling sustainable development of the North Sea and coastal area.

Work on the DIS began in 2010, and the latest version of DIS2.1 was delivered in 2018. Since 2018, work has been underway on DIS 3.0, an improved version of DIS2.1 that better takes geological complexity  into account. In 2020, the Zeeland model area was delivered and South Holland in 2022. The North Holland coast and the strip north of the Wadden Islands are scheduled for the coming years.


Notitie DIS 3.0 Zeeland Voxelmodellering (2020 (Dutch)

Notitie DIS 3.0 Zeeland Lagenmodellering (2020) (Dutch)

Update DIS 2.1 (2018) (Dutch)

De update van het delfstoffeninformatie systeem voor het NCP (2014) (Dutch)

Zandwinstrategie: naar een beslissingsondersteunend systeem voor mariene zandwinning (2012) (Dutch)

Uitbreiding van het delfstoffeninformatie systeem voor het NCP (2010) (Dutch)

De ontwikkeling van een delfstoffeninformatie systeem voor het NCP: resultaten van een pilotstudy (2010) (Dutch)

Model files

-DIS 2.1 

Voxelmodel (2018)

Winbaarheidsgrids 2020

Metadata bestand

-DIS 3.0 

Lagenmodel Zeeland (2020)

Voxelmodel Zeeland (2020)

Winbaarheidsgrids Zeeland (2020)

Metadata bestand

DIS 3.0 Zeeland voxelmodel NetCDF


Hoeveel zand kunnen we winnen uit de Noordzee? - Helpdesk water (Dutch)

Zandvoorraad in beeld - Geologische Dienst Nederland (Dutch)

Deltares wiki (Dutch)

Conditions of use

The use of DIS is subject to the terms and conditions below. By downloading and using DIS, you declare that you have read and agree to these terms and conditions.

DIS has been designed with the utmost care. However, the DIS was developed to gain insight into regional sand resources and is not suitable on a smaller scale, such as the level of individual sand extraction areas. No rights can be derived from the information contained in DIS and use of DIS is at your own risk. 

DIS may only be used for lawful purposes, in a way that may in no way (i) harm Rijkswaterstaat, Deltares and TNO or (ii) infringe the rights and enjoyment of use of third parties.

Rijkswaterstaat, Deltares and TNO accept no liability - on any account whatsoever - for any form of damage (including property damage, property damage resulting from material damage and pure property damage) arising in any way from the operation of and/or the use of (information from) DIS.

The copyright and database rights and other intellectual property rights on or through this website (including all texts, graphic material and logos) are held by and reserved by Rijkswaterstaat and/or Deltares and/or TNO. Re-use of the information presented on this website is only permitted with acknowledgement of the source.