Ten Boer Member

Formal (Van Adrichem Boogaert 1976). Amended (NAM & RGD 1980).
Lithological description

Red-brown, sandy clay and siltstone interval with some intercalated sand/siltstone stringers. Anhydritic nodules are less common in this member (see Mijnlieff et al. 2011, Appendix B).

Depositional setting

Not yet determined.

Definition of lower boundary

Conformably on the sandy succession of the Slochteren Formation or the Upper Slochteren Member. The boundary is placed at the top of the uppermost thick sandstone bed (see Mijnlieff et al. 2011, Appendix B).

Definition of upper boundary

Paraconformably overlain by the thin, black, bituminous claystones of the Coppershale Member of the Zechstein 1 (Werra) Formation of the Zechstein Group (see Mijnlieff et al. 2011, Appendix B1). Locally in the northeastern Netherlands, a thin, grey sandstone is intercalated between the Ten Boer Member and the base of the Zechstein Group, i.e. the informal Akkrum Sandstone member of the Slochteren Formation (RGD 1993).

Thickness indication
Up to 258 m.
Geographical distribution
Regional correlation
UK: Silverpit Formation; GER: Elbe Sub-Group; BEL: -.
Capitanian - Wuchiapingian.
Depth (thickness) AH:
2666 - 2709 m (43 m)
Origin of name
Named after the municipality of Ten Boer in the province of Groningen.
Previous name(s)
Reviewed by (date)
Harmen Mijnlieff (2017).
NAM & RGD 1980. Stratigraphic nomenclature of The Netherlands. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap 32, 77 p.
Mijnlieff, H.F., Van Ojik, K., Nortier, J., Okkerman, J.A., Gaupp, R. & Grötsch, J. 2011. The Permian Rotliegend of the Netherlands: Core Atlas, Appendix B.
RGD, 1993a: Ibid. Explanation to map sheet V, Sneek-Zwolle, - Rijks Geologische Dienst, Haarlem, 126 pp.
RGD, 1993b: Palynologische dateringen in de Perm-Trias van Nederland: een compilatie t.b.v. de Revisie Stratigrafische Nomenclator - Internal report Palyno-logie Mesozoicum, no. 2267.
Cite as
TNO-GDN ([YEAR]). Ten Boer Member. In: Stratigraphic Nomenclature of the Netherlands, TNO – Geological Survey of the Netherlands. Accessed on [DATE] from https://www.dinoloket.nl/en/stratigraphic-nomenclature/ten-boer-member.